In regards to today’s “more connected, yet increasingly isolated” society, and it’s ill effects on the human condition, I feel as though it is my duty to distance myself from things I morally disagree with. So you will find no Ben Reigle accounts on anything to do with Meta. In order to fight the technocratic oligarchy cramming fascism down our throats, and to be the best ally I can to marginalized groups, I defy. I refuse taking part in the circus we have all collectively, actively and unwillingly taken part in ascending to such astronimical wealth. Wealth it then hoards and creates further imbalance in an already skewed world. I aspire to be a steward for this planet and ensure its survival for future generations. To take part in a website, product, activity that sways me from that aspiration, is relinquishing my autonomy. That is not something I am interested in at all. Dignity, Sovereignty, Autonomy. To strive to ensure those are our collective realities is my goal while I am here in this sick, sick world.

“Can't keep up . Out of Step with the world” -Ian Mackaye

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