The Relentless Pursuit of Happiness

“I aspire to inspire til I expire”-Les Brown

True happiness in my life is cultivated at the deepest level by being of service to others. No material object is ever going to have the profound and lasting effect that giving selflessly will. I could list the things I have accomplished in service of others, but I am not seeking validation here for my good deeds, I am hoping to inspire others to change their self-centered ways to bring forth change to a world that I see has so much wrong with it currently. I like to imagine a world where love is the dominant emotion on the world stage, not fear, as is our current predicament. Picture a well funded, properly resourced school with well-paid and well-respected teachers teaching a group of children mindfulness, to be aware and empathetic to those around them. Imagine the world those children would create. Dedication to alleviating the suffering of others based on no reward would be ingrained in their behavior, for that it what mindfulness grants us. I intend to do my part to help manifest that world.-BR.

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