Surrender One's Beliefs

Beliefs dictate one’s thoughts which dictate one’s emotions which dictate one’s actions which produces one’s results. Those results then reinforce one’s beliefs. This is a psycho-cybernetic loop and I believe many of us fall victim to it completely unaware of this construct in our lives. This is the fog. It makes life murky and cloudy. It keeps us trapped in a primal state of being. Let me define what a primal state of being is, it includes emotions fear, anger, boredom, disgust, sadness, hostility, rage, etc. In contrast a powerful state of being is exemplified by emotions like love, joy, trust, serenity, awe, wonderment, passion. Beliefs are made by experiences. When we experience something, it elicits a response and carves a new neural pathways in our brains, making it easier for that thought to flow next time, and millions of times thereafter. Once we have identified this how do we break the loop?

Moment by moment self-evaluation, meditation, disciplined routine, diet, exercise all fit together to assist one in shifting back into a powerful state of being, at will. All the pieces interlink together and gives one the tools to CHOSE our beliefs. If one can tell themselves that which is not true and use a negativity bias all they want to reinforce that non-truth could not the opposite be true and we could tell ourselves positive truths about situations and carve new neural pathways into our brains. This takes practice. It takes clarity of mind. It takes focus and dedication. Having clawed my way back from the darkness that was the loss of basic human function to existing from a powerful state of being, most times (I AM human, after all) and manifesting a thriving life built on the flow state, I can attest to the truth within, believe you can manifest that which you truly want. You can choose to be happy. PMA ALL DAY. -BR.

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