Epigenetically Speaking...

The presentation of scientific medicinal information by myself is in no way an attempt to fane expertise on subjects but to share my fascination with the advancement of the human experience. One such topic worthy of fascination is the field of epigenetics, or the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself. Meaning, lifestyle can influence greatly our genetic expression. Sleep, managing stress, meditation, yoga, exercise, breathing techniques, quality of emotions, nutrition, personal relationships, social interactions, environment, and connection to nature all play a role in affecting genes expressions. Gene expression is the process by which the heritable information in a gene, the sequence of DNA base pairs, is made into a functional gene product, such as protein or RNA. The basic idea is that DNA is transcribed into RNA, which is then translated into proteins. Proteins have many roles in your body. They help repair and build your body's tissues, allows metabolic reactions to take place and coordinate bodily functions. In addition to providing your body with a structural framework, proteins also maintain proper pH and fluid balance, bolster the immune system and provide energy. So influencing the building blocks of proteins seems like a very important topic to living a healthy life. A sedentary life can lead to creating conditions for genetic errors, which compounded bring about cancers, metabolic disorders (obesity, diabetes, hyperthyroidism) and degenerative disorders (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS). As a country, if not society we are seeing the effects of this on a massive scale.

I try to free my mind from black and white, all or nothing thinking, but on this topic I feel like my evaluation of it leads to one fundamental answer for me. I must choose and apply myself to living a lifestyle that has a positive effect on my body, however difficult it may seem. Not as a result of living in a state of foreboding joy, rather a state of joy cultivation, I am planting the seeds daily to ensure my daily existence is joyful. We can spend a lifetime moving away from discomfort when in reality that discomfort passes once you embrace the pain of whatever it is you are doing ,and the realize benefits of it are palpable. You can feel it on a genetic level.


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